Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible according to Luke 10

10: 1 After these things the LORD appointed seventy more, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. 10: 2 And he said unto them, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 10: 3 Walk in your ways; behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. 10: 4 Wear no wallet, no wallet, no shoes; and don’t let anyone respect you. 10: 5 And which house shall you enter, first say, Peace be unto this house. 10: 6 And if the son of peace be, thy peace shall rest upon him; but if not, it will come back to you. 10: 7 Dwell in the same house, and eat and drink what they give: for the laborer is worthy of his reward. Don’t go from house to house. 10: 8 And into what city shall ye enter and receive you, eat what they offer you; 10: 9 Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come unto you. . 10:10 But into what city ye shall come, and they shall not receive you, go into the streets thereof, and say, 10:11 And the dust of your city that cleaveth unto our feet we wipe: know, it is the kingdom of God near. 10:12 I tell you, Sodom will be better off that day than this city.

Seven represents the fullness of the world of wonders. There are seven sentences, although we usually count only five; The two pluses are thinking and understanding. The brain is the organ of thought and the solar plexus the organ of perception. The ability to send and receive messages is one of the untrained emotions. The brain is the battery on which this meaning is expressed. This is called telepathy. Through the solar plexus, one can intuitively take on the nature of everyone they come in contact with. It is the concept of the soul as an intuition that has not regenerated into the physical. These two unruly nerves need to be trained in Christ’s mind. Those who try to develop it without this certain manual will get mixed results and darkness. Visit Click here to read more about luke 10 18 20 meaning to read more!

But all the senses become spiritual and their limitations disappear. We know that the eye and the ear, in fact all the senses, have an inner field of motion, but very few of them are still internally awake and the wonderful world is their place of movement. That the brain and the solar plexus interact with powerful mental forces, but few have discovered them. In fact, it is not generally accepted that the latter has a different function of sensory consciousness. But they have, and much of the thoughts and feelings that metaphysicians consider spiritual, come from the vibrations of the outer brain and the emotions of the sensitive soul. Only when the head and heart are moved by the Spirit can we say that their outpourings are spiritual.

However, the seven forms of expression must be trained in spiritual ways, and their effectiveness will be tenfold: “They send” two and two for his face “with reference to their double expression (face). “City and place” refers to the centers or assemblies of the organism’s intelligent cells. These feelings must be free from deadly restraints. They must be innocent and confident (sheep), selfish (no wallet), no worries about future care (no shelter, no wallet for food), understanding not to stop (no shoes), but a message of peace and agreement to bring each other. it remains a spirit (home).